What genre is this game?
Ludo's Quest is a mobile-first side-scrolling platformer game. Inspired from Super Mario Bros and Ghosts n' Goblins. It targets kids around 6 to 12, but is just as fun for adults.
What platform is it targeting?
iOS and Android. Windows and Steam one day. Maybe even consoles. Toying with the idea of putting on clay.io. Time will tell.
What framework was used?
It is written in HTML5 using Backbone Game Engine, a framework optimized for mobile. Ludo's Quest was converted to native using Cocoon.io. Ludo's Quest is a canvas-only game, to leverage the acceleration provided by canvas+. It works just as well on desktop using the mouse and keyboard.
What is the launch date?
Fall 2015, if all goes well.
How will you monetize it?
Charge up-front. No in-app purchase or ads (I hate that). Pricing is to be determined. Will be free to play in the browser.
How can I try it?
Ludo's Quest is HTML5. You can play in your browser. Just click on the Play button. Works on desktop with keyboard, or any mobile device with enough juice. During gameplay, look at the fps top-left. Around 60 is super. Below 40 means your mobile device is rushing. Please report in both cases.
Where did you get the graphics?
Purchased on graphicriver and GameDev Market from awesome artists. Cut-scenes were drawn by Sophie Bédard. Without them, this game would not be possible.
WHere did you get the music and sound effects?
Music and sound effects were composed by Zach Striefel. He retains the copyright so feel free to ping him if you want to use it for your own project.
Who are you?
I'm developer and CTO at Amilia by day, father of 3 and tennis amateur at night and on weekends. Writing this game is a hobby. I'm no full-time indie. Just a guy writing a game I want to play on my iPhone in the metro. A game my kids will also enjoy.
What else did you do?
You can find me and some of my projects here: Find Your Tennis, Backbone Game Engine, Github, Blog, Twitter, Linked In, Amilia.
How can I reach you?
Ping me on Twitter. My email is on Github.